
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mainan Jaman SD yang Ngangenin

Waktu SD pasti kamu sering banget main sama temen-temen. Malah kadang banyakan mainnya daripada belajarnya. beberapa mainan yang pasti kamu kangenin banget buat dimainin lagi bareng temen-temen SD dulu.

1. Baju-bajuan
Tuker-tukeran baju boneka sama temen dan bikin perabot rumah tangga dari kardus pasta gigi.

2. Parasut
Rela naik ke lantai atas rumah, atas pohon, bahkan genteng buat nerbangin mainan parasut ini.

3. Biji karet aduan
Kalau biji karet andalan yang menang, tangan berdarah karena kena kulitnya juga nggak akan berasa.

4. Kumang
Kumang termasuk hewan paling kuat, karena tiap disuruh keluar sama ‘tuan’-nya dengan cara disembur napas
“HAAHHHH!” Kumang tetap berhasil bertahan hidup dari bau nggak sedap itu.

5. Kertas surat/binder
Ada yang sampe nggak rela nulis catatan pake kertas koleksinya ini cuma karena ada gambar kartun favoritnya.

6. Tazos
Mainan hadiah dari snack ini bisa disusun jadi bentuk tertentu, bisa juga diadu, atau dilempar semacam shuriken ninja.

7. Kartu gambar
Kalau gambar di kartunya bagus, suka sayang dan nggak mau dimainin.

8. Gimbot
Dengan ngasih 500 perak ke abang-abangnya bisa main beberapa menit atau beberapa permainan. Ada juga gimbot yang ngeselin kalau kita kalah malah bilang, “Bego lu!”


Friday, April 20, 2012

Jenis-Jenis Status Facebook

Di dunia jejaring sosial, khususnya Facebook pasti kamu punya beragam teman, dan teman-teman kamu itu pasti suka update status. Ini adalah jenis-jenis status Facebook yang mungkin ada di news feed Facebook kamu:

1. Marah-marah
Status yang di-update pasti tentang kekesalan atau emosi dia terhadap sesuatu atau seseorang. Hati-hati, aura negatifnya bisa nular dan bikin pengin marah-marah juga.

2. Ngeluh
Mau bangun tidur, abis makan siang, dan lebih sering lagi pas malem setelah menjalani hari, status jenis ini sering banget nongol.

3. Drama Queen
Status dia sepertinya penuh kepedihan, tapi sebenernya pengin banget diperhatiin.

4. Nggak Jelas
Status yang hadir dalam bentuk sepotong-sepotong, biasanya kalimatnya nggak lengkap. Pembuatnya biasanya cuma pengin statusnya ini di-comment “Kenapa sih?”

5. (Sok) Bijak
Statusnya selalu penuh motivasi, biasanya panjang lebar tentang pahit getir kehidupan. Entah pembuatnya emang ngalamin dan bisa ngelewatin juga nggak pasti, sih.


Yang Jomblo Lakuin Pas Malam Minggu


Tips Interview Kerja

* Duduklah di kursi pelamar, jangan minta dipangku HRD hanya untuk nunjukkin kamu orang yang mudah bergaul.

* Pingsan bukan pilihan terbaik menghindari pertanyaan, kecuali kamu Syahrinii.

* Saat bingung menjawab pertanyaan jangan teriak “Toloong dibantu yaaa… Prok prook prok !!”..

* Ketika ditawari gaji awal jangan berkata “Naikiiin ato pilih tirai nomor 4”

* Kalau sudah tidak kuat dengan pertanyaan interview, jangan mencoba mencari kamera & melambai-lambaiii (spt tim uji nyali)…

* Membantu Ibu pergi ke pasar bukanlah pengalaman marketing yang patut untuk diceritakan.

* Jangan jawab pertanyaan susah dengan “Baguus… pertanyaan bagus!. Menurut anda sendiri bagaimana?…”

* Jangan menekan bibir sang interviewer & berbisiik “Aku tahu apa maumu…”

* Saat ditanya pengalaman, jangan dijawab dengan “Maaf pak, saya ga mau inget-inget masa lalu saya, perih rasanya … # malingin muka„,”

* Pada saat hening, jangan memecahkan gelas. Pertama kamu bukan Dian Sastro. Kedua yang beresiin siapa entar?..

* Meskipun yang interview itu temen, gak perlu kita “wooy cuy’, elu yg interview? hahay.., abiiis ini kita mabok yuk..?”

* Mencukur kumis hendaknya dilakukan sebelum interview jangan pada saat interview.

* Jika ditanya: Bagaimana seandainya kamu gagal dalam pekerjaan ini?… “Ya gak papa pak, kesempurnaan ini hanya milik Allah…”

* Jika tidak suka dengan pekerjaan tersebut, jangan menggerakan tangan di depan dada dan menyanyikan “ga„ ga„ ga kuat„ ga„ ga„ ga kuat” ataupun “ga„ ga„ ga level„ ga„ ga„ ga level”


Alasan Kenapa Mata Cowok Jelalatan

Ada ungkapan bahwa kecepatan mata lelaki sama dengan kecepatan wanita berjalan. Ada benarnya juga seh ungkapan itu. Kalau lihat wanita cantik pasti kemanapun dia bergerak seolah-olah bola mata cowok terpaku padanya. Anda kaum perempuan pasti sering sebel dengan pasangan saat jalan-jalan dikerumunan yang banyak wanita cantiknya.

Sudah jadi rahasia umum kalau laki-laki itu doyan lirak-lirik wanita lain. Bahkan pada saat jalan sama pasangan, mereka masih aja suka liat sana-sini. Sekarang yang menjadi pertanyaan mengapa hampir semua cowok jelalatan? apakah mereka memang didesain seperti itu? Inilah penjelasan ilmiahnya

Meskipun manusia sudah mengalami perubahan dengan evolusi selama jutaan tahun, tetapi insting dasarnya masih ada. Pada jaman dulu, laki-laki harus pergi berburu mencari makanan dan wanita tinggal dirumah untuk memasak hasil buruan atau menjaga anak-anaknya. Pembagian tugas seperti ini masih berlaku juga untuk sekarang. Akibatnya, ada beberapa perbedaan perilaku antara laki-laki dan wanita yang sampai sekarang masih tetap terbawa.

Tugas sebagai pemburu membuat laki-laki memiliki kemampuan lebih baik dalam memperkirakan jarak, tetapi sudut pandangannya lebih sempit dan lebih fokus. Karena itu, jika seorang laki-laki melihat sesuatu yang menarik, secara naluriah dia akan memutar kepalanya menghadap kearah objek yang dilihatnya. Makanya akan kelihatan sekali kalau seorang laki-laki sedang “main mata”.

Di sisi lain, wanita punya tugas untuk menjaga dan melindungi anak-anaknya. Jadi untuk dapat melihat datangnya bahaya, wanita mempunyai sudut pandangan yang lebih lebar dan perasaan yang lebih peka. Karena itu kalau mau melirik, wanita bisa melakukannya hanya dengan gerakan mata tanpa harus memutar kepala, jadi lebih sulit untuk ketahuan kalau lagi lirak-lirik.

Perbedaan yang lain, laki-laki tidak bisa melakukan pekerjaan secara multitasking, misalnya membaca koran sambil dengar radio, atau nonton tv sambil menelepon. Kalau lagi fokus pada sesuatu, laki-laki akan seketika menjadi “tuli” apalagi kalau nonton bola. Sedangkan wanita masih bisa melakukan beberapa hal sekaligus, baca buku sambil denger musik, atau nonton tv sambil memasak, dsb.

Jadi, buat cowok-cowok, kalau pasangan anda nonton tv saat ditelepon, tidak perlu tersinggung, karena mereka memang bisa melakukannya sambil tetap mengikuti pembicaraan di telepon. Tapi buat cewek2, kalau pasangan anda melakukan hal lain seperti membaca koran, nonton tv atau dengar radio pada saat anda berbicara, yakinlah bahwa anda sedang dicuekin.

Ada pepatah sesuatu baru terasa berharganya buat kita setelah kita kehilangnnya... oleh karena itu sayangi pasangan anda.


Increase Your Brain Power with Classics

 brain classics

Consider reading and learning about Classics to increase your brain power, learning capability, and expand your cultural literacy.
As a big believer in each of us developing our intellectual capabilities, I recommend classical studies as a way to broaden your knowledge base.
Classics, or Classical Studies, deals with theliterature, art, history, philosophy, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome.
Why the Classics? How could reading about classics possibly be of practical use in increasing brain power?
Of course, I'm not advocating enrolling in an intense university program in Greek and Latin. I'm suggesting instead, that you consider incorporating more classical reading in your routine and

Here's why:
  1. Because it's fun and entertaining and provides a basis for the enjoyment of many movies, comic book heroes and video games that contain references to classical history and mythology e.g. Troy, Gladiator, O Brother Where Art Thou (movies), Hercules, The Fantastic Four (comic book heroes), and God of War (Playstation2), to name a few.

  2. It feeds the imagination if you want to be a writer (or aspiring blogger). J.K. Rowling author of the Harry Potter books studied Classics and uses much classical terminology and references in her books. The first Harry Potter book has been translated into both Latin and ancient Greek.

  3. It enriches and broadens our understanding of western culture, history and literature giving us an appreciation for where our language and customs originated, as well as a sense of connection to the past.

  4. It helps us understand the human condition and ourselves. For instance, Greek mythology was then, and serves today as a study in human nature, the dynamics of the human mind, human behavior, and the forces that drive us. We learn about jealousy, love, grief, narcissism, good and evil. It's fast tracking for Life 101.

  5. The skills and knowledge acquired through the study of Classics are highly transferable to other areas. For example, the ability to deal with precise details, to express yourself, problem solve, think critically and manage your life are all honed and sharpened by having studied Classics.

  6. So much of our medical and scientific terminology is rooted in Classics that learning about the Greeks and Romans can facilitate the study of anatomy, astronomy and physics. Many of our modern sciences have Greek names because the ancient Greeks either invented them or made significant contributions to them.

  7. Becoming familiar with classical literature gives us perspective and an understanding of European and English literary genres and their evolution. The Greco-Roman influence has had such an enduring effect on every aspect of Western culture including languages, history, philosophy, literature, science, technology and art.

Interesting facts about Classics and Classical Studies:
  • The first written record of Greece and the oldest form of Greek literature is Homer's Iliad (circa 1000- 900 B.C.)
  • A book of maps gets its name from Atlas, the Titan who supported the heavens on his shoulders.
  • The point of vulnerability is an Achilles' heel, because the mythological warrior Achilles had been magically protected in all but that part of his body.
  • Our calendar goes back to the ancient Romans and the 7-day-week was introduced by the ancient Hebrews.
  • The statue of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. was inspired by the statue of the Olympian Zeus by the Greek sculptor Pheidias. The designs on Lincoln's armrests are a Roman symbol for justice and republican government.
  • Law schools report that their top students come from math, the Classics, and literature rather than from political science, economics and legal studies as one might expect.
  • David W. Packard of Hewlett-Packard was a former professor of Greek and Latin, and Chris Martin from the band Coldplay studied The Classics.


Keys to Making A Good Decision

There are important steps and keys to making a good decision.  
Good or sound decision-making is necessary for living life productively and efficiently.
All of us are confronted with various decisions to make on a daily basis. Some are small and of minor consequence, while others are huge and potentially life changing. Some are simple and obvious choices; others are more difficult and painstaking.
For those that are complex and difficult to make, there is a process we can follow to help us come up with a good solution.

The Keys To Making a Good Decision
  1. Identify the decision to be made as well as the objectives or outcome you want to achieve.

  2. Do your homework. Gather as many facts and as much information you can to assess your options.

  3. Brainstorm and come up with several possible choices. Determine if the options are compatible with your values, interests and abilities.

  4. Weigh the probabilities or possible outcomes. In other words, what's the worst that can happen? What will happen if I do A, B or C and can I live with the consequences?

  5. Make a list of the pros and cons. Prioritize which considerations are very important to you, and which are less so. Sometimes when you match the pros against the cons you may find them dramatically lopsided.

  6. Solicit opinions and obtain feedback from those you trust or have had a similar situation to contend with. There may be some aspects you haven't thought about.

  7. Make the decision and monitor your results. Make sure you obtain the desired outcome.

Points To Consider

✓ There are no guarantees. Certainly you can never know in advance whether a decision will be correct, therefore, you must be prepared to take risks.

✓ Look for the opportunities. If you make a mistake, view it as an opportunity to learn what didn't work and why. Many times decisions are reversible and you can change your mind.

✓ Hindsight is 20/20. On occasion, you might discover in hindsight situations that may have affected your decision had you known about them earlier. This is normal and typical but should not stall your decision-making process.

✓ Do not get stuck and do nothing. If you've done everything you can to make a good decision and still can't make up your mind, do not delay making an important decision for fearthat you don't know enough or will make the wrong choice.

✓ Don't let fear stop you. Sometimes people become so paralyzed with the fear of making a wrong decision that they panic and lose sight of what they're trying to accomplish. This hinders making any decision. 

✓ Don't second-guess yourself. In the end second-guessing yourself also undermines what you're trying to accomplish. Once you've made the decision, let the chips fall where they may. At the very least, you will have learned important lessons.
When all is said and done, all you can do is the best with what you have to work with. Incidentally, do not underestimate the power of intuition, or your gut feeling. After all the facts are weighed and evaluated, it can be the final determinant. Quite often it may be all you have to go by.